how to find us at lake vyrnwy

Glanrafon is situated in the picturesque village of Llanwyddn, Mid-Wales, just a few hundred yards from the beautiful Lake Vyrnwy. It is ideally located, just 5 minutes (2 miles) to the east of Snowdonia National Park. 

We are also only: 

46 miles from Chester
37 miles from Shrewsbury
35 miles from the west coast of Wales
24 miles from Oswestry
20 miles from Weshpool
13 miles from Lake Bala

The lake is very well sign posted along the routes in most directions and the cottage itself is easily found.  Once you reach LLanwyddn, the turning that you are looking for is between the Dafarn Newyyd Stores and the lake.  If you approach from the east then take the first turning after the stores and if from the north then the turning is on your right. If you get to the stores, then you need to turn around. 

Sat Nav Postcode - SY10 0LU 

Any problems the please call Paul on 07980 808652